all about me

A storyteller-turned-innovator.

my story

My career started with a question: Why do people behave the way they do?

I have always been fascinated by how our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours help us make sense of the world. So naturally, I pursued a degree in Psychology at UBC. But after graduating, I faced the common question - now what?

I knew that I loved writing, so I explored a career in communications. During this time I discovered an aptitude for problem-solving, strategy, and creative work. Yet my passion wasn’t there.

So I questioned again - now what? My interest in human behaviour never faded, but I didn’t want to go back to academia after having a taste for fast-paced, innovative environments.

That’s when I found Product Design.

Now I live and breathe design and finally understand the ‘passion’ mindset. From UX research and UI design to user testing and interaction design, I have found a place where I can combine empathy and strategic problem-solving through a creative outlet.

As a designer, I stay at the edge of technology and help the leaders of tomorrow innovate for the problems of today.

my values


Showing up authentically as oneself every day, staying true to my values and beliefs, and being genuine in my thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.

openness & understanding

Being open to new experiences, perspectives, beliefs, and ideas. Knowing that there’s no such thing as “one right way”, and that the world isn’t so black and white.


Being confident in what I know and honest about what I don’t know. Never trampling over others for the sake of my own pride, accomplishments, or gain.

learning & curiousity

Committing to being a lifelong learner and staying curious about topics and issues I don’t know about. Asking questions when I want to learn more.


Treating everyone with respect and kindness, even during hard situations. Approaching every situation assuming the best in people.

my timeline


Graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelors of Arts. I did a double major in Psychology and Political Science.

2017 - 2019

Worked for SPEC, an environmental non-profit, moving my way up from intern to Communications and Volunteer Coordinator. I’m passionate about the environment and social causes and currently sit on the Board of Directors at SPEC.

2019 - 2020

Worked as an Executive Assistant at Switchboard Public Relations. As an EA, I learned I loved the challenges and rewards that come from a fast-paced work environment. I worked closely with the Switchboard team to serve tech sector clientele across Canada.

Aug 2020

Joined BrainStation’s full-time User Experience Design diploma program, to officially start my design career.

Nov 2020

Began work as a Teaching Assistant for BrainStation’s UX Design program. Not only did I get to hone my design skills, but I also got to practice teaching, presentation skills, and build relationships with students.

Feb 2020

Started my freelance design career, where I worked on a number of projects varying from end-to-end software design to usability studies for a mobile app.


Looking to switch from Freelance to full-time work. While I loved the flexibility of freelance, I’m ready to apply the hustle to a company and work within a consistent team.

student testimonials

I'm a great person to work with. But don't just take my word for it — here's what my students said when I was a Teaching Assistant at BrainStation:

"Thank you for being someone to turn to throughout this program. Your confidence and wisdom are deep even at this stage of your design journey."
"Thank you for having my back so much throughout the program. You’re the biggest comfort and just have such a calming personality."
"Amazed by how knowledgeable you are of UX, and for always being there to help and support us through it all. Thank you for being such a great TA!"
"Robin’s support and kindness shifted the way I saw my struggles and going through them in a much lighter way."
"I really appreciate having you as my pod TA. You are so calm and dependable. It made me feel less self-conscious to talk to you about my projects. Thank you so much and I hope to work with you in the future!"

let's work together

I’m currently looking for full-time UX Design roles at innovative companies with awesome people. If you're looking for a friendly, hardworking designer — please reach out.

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